How to fix it.

The cause of all this are 1 or more Facebook apps you approved, so removing those fixes the problem.

How to report and remove apps: step by step

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  • Press ‘Show All’ to expand and show all you apps.Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 16.15.47
  • Report all the apps from the list below


  • And then of course you need to remove the apps. (And maybe it’s time to remove all apps you don’t recognise or need)(and to start thinking twice before installing an app)


Learn more about how and why this is happening.




Cleaning your account history.

Ok, so you have deleted the apps responsible for the spam. If you haven’t yet; do that first. Now you still need to clean your account history of all the fake likes.

How to clean your account history: step by step.

  • Go to your like history


  • Now search for Snapchat (and maybe 9GAG/Whatsapp/…). You can use the Facebook “Activity Search” but I don’t recommend that. Your browser’s search is much better.
  • To use it you need to scroll a lot so a lot of your like activity gets loaded on to the page. Now press Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F for the Mac users) and type Snapchat.
  • Now every time you press Enter you browsers will take you to the next like and you can remove it.screen-shot-2016-09-10-at-15-06-03
  • When you’re at the end you may have to scroll more to load more activity and repeat your search to get all the fake likes.

Learn more about how and why this is happening.

What is happening?

Someone or a group is creating fake Snapchat, fake 9GAG, fake WhatsApp and other pages with clickbait posts and usually a link.

Most of the times the link leads to a webpage that is paying these spammers to get traffic to their site, and if you click it they succeeded in their goal and they get paid.

But if they would just create pages and posts almost nobody would click them. Why would anyone? So they devised a way to get people to notice their posts. That’s why sometimes the link leads to an app approval screen. It looks like this:

If you approve the second screen you essentially give permission to the app to post or like whatever they want. And they use it to auto-like their posts. That way you friends see you liked something and they come to check it out. And they visit the links and some of them install these apps etc… and the spamming continues.

Learn what apps are involved and how to remove them.